Digital Support Plans

Empowering Your Business's Digital Journey

A Monthly Subscription Service for Continuous Growth and Support

At Left Foot Forward, we understand the unique challenges faced by non-technical businesses and entrepreneurs. Our Digital Support Partner service offers tailored assistance, resources, and training, ensuring sustained digital success.

How it Works


Left Foot Forward's Digital Support Partner service is designed to provide continuous, tailored support to non-technical businesses and entrepreneurs.

Our monthly subscription offers personalised consulting, strategic guidance, functional assistance and training, ensuring sustained digital success.

We understand the unique challenges faced by non-technical businesses. That's why our service is structured to offer comprehensive support, helping you build digital strategies, develop skills, and overcome technical hurdles.


Subscribers receive four hours of support each month, including consulting, training and ongoing assistance.

Here's a closer look at what you can expect:"

  1. Initial Consultation: Each session begins with a consultation, identifying your current challenges and goals.
  2. Strategic Planning: We work together to develop a digital strategy, focusing on key areas like marketing, web design, or app development.
  3. Training and Resources: Access guides, templates, and training sessions to build your skills and digital literacy.
  4. Ongoing Assistance: Throughout the month, receive support, including troubleshooting, guidance, and follow-up sessions.


Our Digital Support service provides four hours of personalised support each month.

This time can be distributed based on your needs, offering flexibility and convenience.

  • Initial Session: Schedule an initial session to set goals and outline your digital strategy.
  • Ongoing Sessions: Use remaining time for additional consulting, training, and guidance throughout the month.
  • Flexibility: Sessions can be arranged weekly, biweekly, or as needed, ensuring support is available when you need it.


Our service offers a range of benefits for non-technical businesses and entrepreneurs:

Ongoing Support: Arrange regular or ad-hoc sessions tailored to your needs, ensuring sustained growth.

Professional Development: Access resources and training to enhance your skills and digital literacy.

Strategic Planning: Work with our consultants to refine digital strategies, ensuring success across key areas.

Tech Solutions: Get guidance on resolving technical challenges, from website optimisation and application development, through to guidance on using AI effectively.

Resource Library: Access downloadable guides, templates, and other resources to support your digital journey.

Testimonials Slider

Kat P. (5★)

Liam's technical mastery is just one aspect of his value. What really sets him apart is his unwavering willingness to help, regardless of the issue's size or complexity. He always approaches seemingly daunting tasks with a smile and genuine excitement. His positivity and problem-solving prowess are inspiring. Without hesitation, I recommend Liam to any organization seeking a highly skilled and dedicated team member. He's a real asset who consistently exceeds expectations and makes a lasting positive impact.

Oliver B. (5★)

Liam’s unique perspective has been a powerful tool helping us view and approach complex business challenges in new and innovative ways. Liam’s approach to simplifying intricate issues is impressive, making him a valuable asset in any tech-centered environment. His dedication to innovative problem-solving has not only driven tangible results for Novacene but has also inspired new ways of thinking within our team. I can highly recommend Liam for his exceptional skills, forward-thinking mindset, and ability to turn challenges into opportunities.

Meilily L. (5★)

I recently had the pleasure of working with Liam and I must say, it was an incredible experience. Liam helped us manage our Discord community and walked me through all the detailed steps to set up Discord bots, which I found to be extremely helpful. In addition to his expertise in Discord, Liam has also been instrumental in helping us test our new products. He always provides detailed feedback and reviews that have helped us improve our offerings significantly.